May 14, 2010
Physical Intervention Training
Staff should receive training in the wider implications of Physical Intervention (including legal issues) and the different types of Physical Intervention.
• Physical Intervention training courses provided should include the area of equality and diversity to help recognise particular issues regarding a persons race, gender including gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion or belief.
• Physical Intervention training courses should be based on an audit of the specific needs of the people being supported, and tailored to address these identified needs.
• Staff should not receive Physical Intervention training courses in unacceptable restraint methods as these should not be used in any circumstances. E.g. Restraint that relies on the direct infliction of pain.
• Any staff using planned physical intervention must have had appropriate training in its use.
• Physical interventions training delivered to staff who work with people with learning disabilities or an autistic spectrum condition should be from an accredited training provider such as Carlton Training
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