June 21, 2021

What is the difference between an Assessor and an IQA?

Assessors and IQAs what's the difference?

If you’re looking into or currently working in the education sector, you might have wondered the difference between an Assessor and an IQA.

Assessors and Internal Quality Assurers (IQAs) are involved with learners and qualifications. Specifically, they both:

  • Make sure things within an organisation are completed to a set of standards
  • Keep detailed records and notes of what they do

So you won’t be surprised that there are sometimes occasions when people have difficulty telling the difference.

Assessors and IQAs often work closely together, so they can usually be found in the same office or department. This can give rise to the further misconception that they’re the same when, in fact, they are very different!

So whenever somebody asks you, “What’s the difference between an Assessor and an IQA?” here’s what you need to tell them.

What is an Assessor?

An Assessor is an individual who goes and checks that candidates’ work, skills, or knowledge is up to the standards required by the Awarding Bodies.

The tasks you can expect an Assessor to carry out often include:

  • Questioning candidates
  • Observing candidates while they carry out tasks
  • Reviewing candidates’ work

An Assessor will also provide guidance and feedback to candidates on how well they are doing.

What is an IQA (Internal Quality Assurer)?

An IQA is an individual who checks that the Assessors are completing their work correctly and meeting the required standards.

Although their tasks may look similar, they often carry this out on the Assessors rather than the candidates. They are responsible for ensuring the training provider implements the education and training, which is up to standard. They will also assess the quality assurance policies and procedures are enforced. 

The role of an IQA often includes:

  • Talking to Assessors
  • Reviewing assessment records
  • Speaking to candidates
  • Meeting with other Assessors

IQAs (Internal Quality Assurers) used to be referred to as “Verifiers” or “Internal Verifiers”, so if you hear these words, then chances are this is about an IQA, just with an outdated term.

What is the main difference between an Assessor and an IQA?

You should think of the process as being part of an ecosystem. There are candidates, and Assessors are immediately above them. Then, the IQAs will oversee the entire process.

The distinction between assessors and internal quality assurers (IQAs) is their focus and scope of duties. Assessors actively engage with learners, shaping their educational experience, while IQAs oversee the quality and reliability of assessments. Each role is integral to an organisation’s training success, demanding varied abilities and qualifications and leading to different career opportunities.

Assessor Qualifications vs. IQA Qualifications

Assessor Qualifications

Assessors usually complete Level 3 qualifications aimed explicitly at the Assessor role. The most popular is the Level 3 CAVA Course to receive a Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement. However, other Assessor qualifications include:

All three of these courses are available to take online or in-house with us at Carlton Training, and depending on your career pathway, we can help guide you on the best course for your career goals.

IQA Qualifications

An IQA usually needs a more advanced qualification. Typically, IQA qualifications will be higher than a Level 4 qualification, such as the Level 4 IQA Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice. This is one of the industry-leading qualifications developed in conjunction with City & Guilds. This IQA course is ideal for an Assessor looking to take the next step in your career by qualifying as an IQA.

Other IQA qualifications you can consider include:

All three IQA courses are available to take in-house or online with us.

So, if you are considering a career as an Assessor or becoming an Internal Quality Assurer (IQA), please give us a call at 020 7837 5677 or email us at info@carltontraining.co.uk

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