keep learners interested

September 2, 2013

How to Develop an Employee Training Programme

Are you thinking about implementing an employee training programme to improve employee learning and development? Investing in an employee development programme has been proven to increase employee engagement and employee retention for a business. Effective training throughout an employee’s career also benefits the employers. Regular employee training increases the employee’s productivity, they feel more invested in your […]

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July 16, 2013

10 tips to be a brilliant adult teacher

To be a good adult teacher is not only about skills and knowledge but also about communicating that knowledge to your students.

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July 6, 2013

Good practice in the assessment process: 5 important tips to follow

Whether you assess students in a classroom or workshop or colleagues in a workplace you may benefit from the following tips which can help you ensure good practice in the assessment process:

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July 2, 2013

What are the benefits of one -to- one tuition?

One of the most important principles of one-to-one tuition is that teachers can tailor the teaching methods and resources to personal preferences of students.

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June 20, 2013

Online Training versus Classroom Adult Training: Which is better?

For years now, a debate has been raging on between Online Training (Self Study) and Classroom Training (Tutored) to decide which is better.

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May 14, 2013

What do I get when I pay for a training course ?

Ever wondered what goes into the cost of a training course ?  You might look around at the prices for various different courses and wonder how on earth these figures were devised….

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March 23, 2013

Great work by our teacher training team this week

Our teacher training team have been hard at work again this week, and you can tell by the comments from our candidates that they’re doing a super job getting people through the PTLLS course.

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March 14, 2013

Why you should have properly qualified instructors in your workforce.

You don’t need us to tell you that maintaining a team of well trained staff plays a key part in the success of your business. What can sometimes be trickier to work out is how to train your staff effectively. The answer is simple.

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November 28, 2012

Why you should pay more, not less.

We all like a bargain, indeed the defining feature of the internet age is that we can all now compare prices in a way which was unimaginable just a short while ago.  Our instincts to save money combined with the massive search power of the web enable us to look for the lowest price across […]

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September 2, 2011

Level 3 Award for Deliverers of Physical Intervention Training in the Private Security Industry (QCF)

The City and Guilds Level 3 Award for Deliverers of Physical Intervention Training in the Private Security Industry (QCF) is now going live, so all candidates completing the award will get an SIA recognised certificate from City and Guilds.  This certificate will also have the Ofqual logo and have full QCF recognition.

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