December 16, 2014

Award in Education and Training theory assignments

AET course assessment includes both practical and theory sections.

When it comes to discussing the details of theory assignments, people sometimes ask if there are any sample answers that they could look at or copy to help them prepare their own responses to the assignment questions.

The idea is that having a glimpse of somebody else’s already written work will make their later effort easier. Regardless of how tempting this may be – it’s not at all necessary as Our AET courses cover everything a you need to pass and you will be given full support and guidance both during and after the course. Although you will be encouraged to take notes you’ll find that the course materials designed by our team of experts will also be very informative.

So the AET course closes after 4 days and within a period of one month our students are required to submit their written work.

Among the tips we could give you is: if possible, don’t leave work on your assignments till the last moment. It’s best to start them as soon as possible, when your knowledge is fresh and you are still quite familiar with it as well as your notes and handouts as to where to find what. Make sure you submit your own written work and in case you decide to apply other authors’ ideas – found in books, articles, on the Internet – always acknowledge the sources you use. One of our handouts – ‘Using Sources’ – will prove really helpful in such situations.

Remember – you can count not only on expert tuition during the course, but also on the support and guidance of our friendly tutors while working on your assignments. If people are feeling stuck with any of the assignment questions, they simply drop us an email or give us a call to discuss the issues with one of our tutors. And just imagine that feeling of satisfaction, the sense of true achievement – holding the AET certificate in your hand you could honestly say ‘I did it myself’….

Good luck with your course!

Tags: assignments,qualification,teacher,Teacher Training,teaching,tips,trainer,trainers,training,training the trainers,

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