April 25, 2014

AET Micro Teaching Practical Assignment: advice for you to succeed

To get the Award in Education and Training one of the things you will have to do is teach a short sample lesson to your fellow students on the course. This is known as micro teaching and will give you the opportunity to practice your teaching skills.

The good news is that the lesson can be in any subject you like, so you’ll be on familiar territory.

As with many things in life proper planning is the key to success, and your tutor will take you through the whole lesson planning process – so make sure you follow their advice and guidance.

A good lesson will have a logical sequence of an introduction, the main content, an assessment and a conclusion – all of which will follow smoothly if you have planned carefully.

Get everybody involved in the learning processAET Micro Teaching Practical Assignment: advice for you to succeed

Participation is key to great learning, so make sure you get the whole class involved in the lesson using a variety of teaching methods – your Carlton Training tutor will advise and guide you as to how to do this.

Keep an eye on the clock

During your lesson your tutor will be observing in order to assess your lesson and you’ll provide them with a copy of your lesson plan. What you’ll need to make sure of is that you follow the plan you have made carefully to make sure you stick to the timing and don’t over-run, time flies when you are busy teaching !

Preparation is the key

Getting thoroughly prepared is perhaps the most important ingredient on the day for a smooth running lesson. Just like a successful military campaign a successful lesson runs on the preparation carried out before the action (although you’ll find teaching a lot more fun and with hardly any of the hazards found on the battlefield).
You might have decided to use some class handouts, props or equipment to get your message across to the class, so make sure you have checked them all for readiness and that they are all in working order. You’ll also want to check your classroom layout before you start teaching – making sure that you have the tables and furniture laid out just how you would like them. Not only will checking all this out help all the individual parts of your lesson go well, but knowing you have everything prepared will increase your confidence and give you the certainty that things are going to go well. Your learners will pick up on this as a confidently taught lesson in a professional setting will give a great impression and put people at their ease.

Accept your strengths and weaknesses

Once you have completed your lesson you will complete a process of evaluation, where you look at the lesson you have taught and what elements went well.

You’ll also get constructive feedback on your lesson from your peers on the course, helping you to improve and adapt your lessons in the future

To learn more about this course:  AET: Award in Education and Training

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